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An Open Letter to Rutgers Bus Drivers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Dear Rutgers Bus Drivers,


Your job is not easy, and I respect you. 


Driving a giant vehicle at high speeds and also needing to brake when pedestrians pop out of nowhere? Not easy. I don’t even know what it’s like personally, but I know it’s not easy.

I also wanted to say that I appreciate you. Even though sometimes I don’t exit from the front door and get to say “Thank you,” I mean it every time and don’t have the voice to shout it from the back door. 

Also to every single bus driver that had the door closed, but opened it for me, I cannot thank you enough. You never need to do it, and the small gesture means a lot to me when you do.

All of you are a critical part of Rutgers. I don’t think you’ll see this letter ever, but if you ever do find this, I just want to let you know that you are appreciated even if you don’t hear it on the regular.



Thank you for all you do.

Part grandma who enjoys baking, knitting, cats, and scarves while also part child who still can't handle anything remotely scary and always needs a blanket.