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How to Destress During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

For the average college student finals week is the worst possible time of our lives. Stress and crippling anxiety begin to take over and there never seems to be an end in sight. Deadlines start creeping up on us out of nowhere and before we know it we have 6 exams, 12 papers, and a group project all due within the week. While time management is key during this miserable time, it’s also important to take a break and relax. Here are some ways to do that.


Watch a Comedy

The reason I say comedy is because you don’t need any more stress or drama in your life right now, and, let’s be real, a good comedy always lightens the mood. I suggest Friends or The Office because they’ll have you cackling out loud and you’ll forget all about the mountain of work you have to do.


Change your location 

Staring at the same wall in your dorm room or library can make you feel like you’re in prison (which college basically is) but nonetheless, a change of scenery can help you regain your focus and help you relax. Try going to a nearby café or small restaurant with cozy mood lighting and good food. Relaxation at its finest.


Make a list of things to look forward to

Although finals are a royal pain in the butt the days and weeks that follow them are glorious. With the holidays and the New Year around the corner, it’s hard not to be giddy and excited in the midst of your mental breakdowns. Make a cute, fun list of all the things you’re looking forward to doing after you regain your freedom.


Pamper yourself

Being huddled up at your desk crying over your laptop for 72 hours straight can definitely be exhausting. It’s important to remember not only to shower, but also to make time for yourself. Get dressed (in something that isn’t sweats) do your hair and makeup, do a facemask, paint your nails. When you feel better you do better.


Online Shop

Well you can go shopping too but really why would you want to leave the comfort of your bed. Browsing through J. Crew and Forever 21 and creating a shopping cart of the thousands of things you want but could never buy is actually a great past time and is something that always helps me distress.


Go on Social Media (for a little bit)

We are all to familiar with the fact that social media is one of the biggest distractions in our lives. But if you’re feeling too stressed or overwhelmed, distract yourself for a little bit. Go on Twitter, look at a few memes and laugh! It’ll take your mind off of everything for a bit and lighten up your mood. But don’t forget to put it away and get back to the books!


Do anything that makes you feel happy! Remember that finals are only a temporary miserable time of our young lives and it really isn’t the end of the world (although it feels like it is). Power through, I believe in you!

Rutgers University student who enjoys Netflix, a good book and some pasta :)