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10 Things that you think about during a Rutgers Football Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

In preparation for the big game on Saturday, we rounded up 10 common thoughts that happen while you are at a football game.


1. “Wow the dancers are so great, I want to do that except I probably can’t keep up to speed. They look so good dancing! Too bad I learn all my dance moves from memes now..”


2. “Ugh I love marching band. It would be really cool if I could learn how to play all the different instruments for the rest of my life, I want to play ALL of them.”


3. “MMMM food smells so good omg, I luv chicken mmm. Oh no I don’t have enough ketchup for my fries sigh. Guess I’ll have to climb up the stairs and wait in line for some more ketchup.”


4. “Awhh, look at the cute little babies at the recruitment area. They look pretty bored aha so cute though omg I love their tiny little shoes and jackets and their little faces and hands! I hope they love Rutgers and remember this forever.”


5. “Oh hey this is finally a time when I can scream randomly without people telling me to shut up or ask if I am ok haha. Am I screaming for the team or am I just stressed? We will never know.”


6. “Mmm cold fries are still crispy mm too bad I didn’t bother getting ketchup an hour ago.”


7. “Oh frick it’s getting cold where is that 60 degree weather that was promised!!! Darn the weather companies. Should’ve brought my giant Rutgers hoodie.”


8. “WOW WE MADE A TOUCHDOWN THIS IS INCREDIBLE maybe we will win this game!!”


9. “That person’s pizza smells/looks good… Should I use another swipe for a pizza hmm. I’ve heard good and bad reviews of the pizza what should I do?”



10. “Oh man I am freaking exhausted, how did I get so exhausted wow I’ll just watch the rest from the comfort of my couch at home.” 

Part grandma who enjoys baking, knitting, cats, and scarves while also part child who still can't handle anything remotely scary and always needs a blanket.