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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.



I know in college it’s hard to stay positive, especially when things get busy, or there’s a day or even a week where you feel that things just aren’t going your way.  More often than not, I find myself being too negative, or pessimistic, sometimes about the small things.  That’s why I chose to start this blog for HerCampus: Positive Proverbs

Recently, I’ve been struggling with some personal issues where I’ve let my fears overpower my happiness.  A few weeks ago, I was talking to my boyfriend, and he showed me a video of Jim Carrey reciting a college graduation speech.  This week’s Positive Proverb is an excerpt from that speech that has helped me put my life and my situation into perspective:

“Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear.  So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it. I’m saying, I’m the proof that you can ask the universe for it — please…You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world…you will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.” –Jim Carrey

When I first heard Jim Carrey say this, I was honestly brought to tears—this is exactly what I had been struggling with; fear.  Every time I have been feeling down and let my fears over power me, I thought of this quote.  It has helped me tremendously to see that although fear may be a player in my thoughts, I shouldn’t let it affect me.  We only have this one life to live, so live it happily and to the fullest.  Most importantly, let the love you have in your heart break through the walls of fear that have been built and let your playful heart be at peace.

My name is Jenna Filippoli and I am a new writer to HerCampus. I was inspired by one of my best friends who is a writer and has been writing for this magazine for a few years. By writing blogs for HerCampus, I want to reach girls in many different places and help with their daily struggles and empower them.
I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.