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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

As Opening Day of the Major League Baseball season kicks off, I would like to address the fans of sports who favor teams outside their regions of inhabitants. Last week, my brother made good on my Christmas gift and took me to a Minnesota Timberwolves game. They were playing the home team, and Philadelphia fave, the 76ers. Anyone who favors a team that does not play in Philly knows you are walking into a potentially hostile environment.

A former Boston Red Sox fan, recently converted to Philadelphia Phillies, I have been to Yankees game decked in all Sox garb and had less slurs spewed. That is one of the biggest rivalries in baseball. Anywho, I was unphased when a group of high schoolers demanded to know who I thought I was, dressed in my Karl Anthony- Towns jersey, my 6’2 brother looming over me as my ever fierce protector.

It can be daunting liking a team outside your home team. My football teams (yes two) aren’t much better, one being the hated Dallas Cowboys and the other the Packers. However, I want to help build confidence and pride in all teams. If you are doubting your team of choice, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I like this team for the right reasons?

    A. What are those reasons?

2) Hypothetically, your team loses every game of every season, would you still proudly wear your colors?

    3) Who cares what everyone else says?!

    If you can answer all these questions and look yourself in the face later, sporting your team colors loud and proud, congratulations you can walk into any hostile stadium anywhere! Besides, we are all sports fans. Why are we always so hostile? Rivalries are entertaining yes but let us be adults and remember, every sport, no matter your fave, is just a game. We do not get paid the money the players do and therefore let us enjoy it for what it is, a fun pass time shared among comrades.