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Little Life Lessons: You are Loved

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Hey, Profs!

Sorry about not posting a life lesson last week. I was kind of going through my own life lesson and it hadn’t quite come down to a close yet. But, it has this week and I hope you like it.

A lot of us sometimes doubt our own worth and whether or not we have people in our lives that actually care for us. This makes us feel unloved, left out, worthless, and a myriad of other things.  Last week, I was at that time in my life when I doubted who actually cared about me, who my friend was, and what I meant to everyone.

Well, this past week, I received plenty of signs that made me forget all those feelings of uncertainty and realized; I am loved.

And so are you.

Now, I don’t want to sound full of it, but honestly, I have an amazing group of friends, coworkers and family members. So much so that they all care deeply about me – even the friends I made recently who don’t know me so well.

I believe in past life lessons I have told you to keep your worth in mind, because you are valuable.

Well, don’t you think it would be wise for the loved ones in your life to know this as well? Of course they know how great you are, it’s why they’re with you on this life journey!

Being loved does not mean hearing “I love you” or receiving presents every day. It doesn’t even mean seeing your loved ones every day.


Being loved means knowing that someone cares about you. It means that if you’re upset, worry. It means that when you’re happy, they’re happy. They want to contribute to your happiness and they want to take away from your misery.

I’m sure you all have someone like that in your life. You all have someone who would call you to see if you’re okay. You all have someone that’ll make you smile on your worst day. You have someone that looks out for you. You all have someone that loves you.

I love you all. So there, you all have me.

Remember that you are loved and remember that love comes in all forms.

And while you’re remembering that, don’t forget to love too.

If you live to love, you’ll love living.

And isn’t living worth loving?

URLs: http://media.salemwebnetwork.com/ecards/love-cards/you-are-loved-kitten-… and https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuwqlV3IMAAK9mD.jpg

If you have any Little Life Lessons you would like to share with the readers of Her Campus Rowan, please feel free to email khann8@students.rowan.edu 

I've never really been good at writing biographies, so here is a quick list of facts about me instead! My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid I rode my bike into a pole when I was eight York Peppermint Patties are my favorite chocolate Walking in the rain is my favorite thing to do (when it's raining, of course) Snakes absolutely terrify the crap out of me. Have a happy day! P.S Live to love, love to live!