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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

When making the choice to study abroad, many students wonder how safe they will be in light of the terrorist attacks that have been occurring in European countries, as well as the overall crime rates. Fortunately, my time abroad has taught me a few valuable lessons about remaining safe while in foreign countries, and how to be prepared if something does go wrong.

The American Embassy

An important tip I would suggest to anyone traveling outside of the United States is to determine the location of the closest U.S. Embassy. The Embassy can help with lost passports, protect the rights of American citizens who are victims of crimes, and assist with visas or work permits. They are able to direct you if you need any help in an emergency situation. 


Unfortunately, pickpocketing is huge among European countries, especially on public transportation. When I arrived in Spain, I was told to hold my purse and other belongings directly in front of me. Many people try to identify tourists who may be easier targets and more susceptible to crime while using the Metro, Underground, etc. Using a neck wallet, and carrying only the items you need can help ensure none of your belongings get stolen.

Copies of Your Passport

When traveling, your passport is one of your most valuable items. The organization I went abroad with, AIFS, recommended we make multiple copies of our passport and to never take our actual passport out of our apartment unless absolutely necessary. This way you are able to be identified, but your passport is unable to be stolen and used.

Health Insurance

Having health insurance when going abroad for a length of time can be incredibly important because you never know if you will get sick, injured, or need some sort of medical treatment. Having some sort of coverage can ensure you get the necessary treatment you need.

Social Scene 

One of the most important safety precautions to take is ensuring the safety of yourself and your friends when going to bars, partying, or partaking in any sort of activity in which your judgment may be impaired. Many students travel to Europe and enjoy the evening social scene. When doing so, it is important to remember that you are in a foreign, unfamiliar place. Always have reliable transportation and make sure you know how you are getting home. 

While it’s not necessary to live in fear, it is important to be cautious and understand that there is always a risk when traveling to a foreign country. While it is important to have a good time, it is also important to be safe.