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Guy Advice Column: Making the First Move

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Making the first move with someone- It’s a nerve-wracking experience for the person making the move. Showing feelings or interest in another person makes us open to get hurt, which makes some people too scared to make a move. Some girls also think it’s the guy’s responsibility to show his interest first. Even tradition dictated guys should make the first move. These reasons shouldn’t get in the way for anyone to make that first move.


Most people believe that a relationship needs both people to share responsibility. Just getting to know someone doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with them, but it does mean that for it to work, both parties need to show equal interest. An easy example is the art of texting. No matter what, the person sending the first text feels like they are bugging the other one. Texting first is not the responsibility of one person. When a girl texts first, it’s one of the best feelings the guy will have that day. Make sure you show the guy he should text you first as well. If you end the conversation with “Well text me tomorrow,” if he’s interested, he will text you first.

Most guys aren’t used to the girl making the first move. That’s why a lot of guys love it when the girl takes initiative. There’s no reason to not act bold. Let’s face it; some guys need huge signs to tell if a girl is flirting with him. Playing hard to get or not being straightforward annoys a guy. There’s no way a girl is a nuisance just because she texts first, makes physical contact, or asks the guy out. Sometimes the girl has to make the first move to show Mr. Oblivious that a girl likes him. After that, he will understand how to court Ms. First Move. Don’t make the first moves on everything after that though, the guy needs to act like the guy and feel he has say in how quickly things move with the relationship as well. Take away the big moments that a guy is typically in charge of and he will become upset.


If you can’t tell if someone is interested, nothing is stopping you from being forward. You might catch him off guard and he may fumble around with his words, but he won’t say no just because you asked first. Remember, you can’t complain about being single if you’re too afraid to be open with someone or make that first move.