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Campus Cutie: Joey Romanczuk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Age: 21 years old

 Major/minor/concentration: Marketing major with a concentration in international studies

Clubs/organizations that you’re involved in: Pi Kappa Alpha, Pros, Unified Sports, Students Today Alumni Tomorrow, Leadership Mentor, Sigma Alpha Lambda, Order of Omega, Alpha Mu Alpha, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

 What you look for in a significant other: How they treat the parents and friends, someone who is open and willing to try new things and someone who I can have a thought provoking conversation with as well.

 The best food you’ve ever eaten: My step mom’s penne vodka, it’s really good and makes me feel at home every time I have it.

Advice you would give to incoming freshman: Dress to impress and the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.

What are your goals post-graduation: I plan to open a non-profit and name it, Moments Made. This would provide an experience for families with terminally ill parents.

Describe your perfect day: I would wake up, go to the gym, hangout outside, eat breakfast, read, spend time with friends and family, and I wouldn’t make a to-do list. This day would also be spent without my phone.

Hobbies: I love working out, running, reading, going to the caf (the social aspect of it and the unlimited coffee), watching movies (my favorite is Troy with Brad Pitt and Black Hawk Down). I also enjoy programming events on campus, sneakers (I have over 100 pairs, Nike is my favorite) and of course hanging out with the brothers of my fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha.

Where can you be found on campus:  Bunce Marketing Department, the student center and the gym.

If you could be any animal, which would you be and why: I would be a horse because when I was in 8th grade we were reading Animal Farm and the horse was the hardest working animal on the farm, so ever since then I try to be the hardest working person in the room.

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Midnight Snack: Doritos (I’m not picky on the flavor)

What is the most interesting thing you have in your room: My super bowl tickets from last year. I remember sitting in my 9:25 when my dad texted me asking what I was doing on that Sunday. I told him I was going to watch the game with some friends but I could come home if he wanted me too, and then he asked if I wanted to go! I was so excited that I had to leave my class for a little bit; it was an all expense paid trip.  I am a huge Falcons fan and it was an awesome experience, so I have the tickets sitting in my room to remember it.