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Allison Engle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Fishing with her boyfriend!

Hi, Profs! I hope everyone is looking forward to Christmas break! I know our cutie this week is…

Meet the incredibly well-rounded Allison Engle from Medford, NJ! She is one of the very few Chemistry Education majors here at Rowan, and she works hard to stand out among them, working long and hard in the library between classes. Not only is she intelligent; Alli is also athletic, spending free time in the gym or at Rowan’s field hockey practices and games–she has been playing for more than half of her life!

When she isn’t studying or working out, Alli hangs with her friends, watching movies and eating junk food (the best part about hangouts!) Taking pictures is another one of her interests, whether it be selfies with friends or photos of nature. 

Alli with her closest friends from Rowan.

Christmas is Alli’s favorite holiday; she loves the decorations and music. In fact, she attends the Dickens Festival in her town each year, enjoying the bright lights and festivities with her friends, family, and boyfriend–the most important people in her life. But as much as she adores Christmastime, she likes all seasons equally. “I like different things about each season,” she said. 



Lounging by the lake during summer!

In the future, Alli hopes to become a chemistry teacher and a field hockey coach at a high school; she also wants to live in a nice house with her husband and kids someday. With her determination and drive, I have no doubt she will achieve!

I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.