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10 Thoughts You Have During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

1.   What’s the lowest grade I can get without failing this class?

2.      Wait, when did we even learn this…?


3.      Maybe I should’ve paid more attention.

4.      Looks like I’ll be up all night now…

5.      I wonder how much coffee I can drink without having a heart attack.

6.      Okay, I need to focus…This final is tomorrow.

7.      …or I can watch some Netflix to clear my mind.

8.      WHEN DID IT TURN 2AM?!

9.      I need sleep…I’ll just wake up early and study before the exam.


I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.