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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

Voting is a right. Voting is a privilege. In this moment in time, voting is also a burden. This is why I chose not to cast a vote in the 2016 presidential election. Unlike many others, I was not able to “swallow my pride” and vote for a candidate I did not support or believe in, just to keep the alternative out of office. Both candidates were highly unsupported by the American public, and myself.

Donald Trump, while appealing economically to the middle class, represents a step backwards in American social issues. In the past few years, we have made huge strides forward in terms of LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, racism, and more. Trump is a racist, a sexist, and a bigot. He represents everything that the people of this country have been fighting against in the recent past. How can someone who supports such ideals be the public face of the free world? Donald Trump does not represent fairness and equality, so he did not deserve my vote.

Hillary Clinton, while experienced and seasoned in D.C. politics, is a liar, a cheater, and potentially a criminal. She appeals to people because she has been working in Washington for years, but in a time where people do not like the direction of the United States government, why would we elect someone who is technically already a part of the problem? Clinton is also involved in far too many scandals, specifically the email scandal, in which she put the security of our country at risk. How can someone who is so careless and dishonest ever be the public face of the free world? Hillary Clinton does not represent honesty and integrity, so she did not deserve my vote.

Some people may call me a part of the problem by not casting a vote. I can understand that point of view, because I am extremely lucky to have the right to vote, and have a say in the direction of my country. What I don’t understand, is how people can willingly select a candidate whom they do not support. How can you elect someone because they are the lesser of two evils? How can you cast a vote by default?

When I finally do vote, during the next election cycle, I hope to vote for a candidate I am proud of. I hope to vote for a candidate that I know will lead my country in the right direction. I hope to vote for a candidate because I believe in them, not because I dislike their opponent. I hope to vote for a candidate with pride, with joy, and with the knowledge that I am improving the welfare of my country, not simply protecting it from the harm that may come if someone else is elected. I hope to vote for a candidate for the people, and for me.



My life motto is that if mint chocolate chip ice cream can't fix it, you're screwed.