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Eco-Friendly Ways to Keep Your Dorm Smelling Fresh

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

We all know it: the slightly funky, slightly noticeable dorm smell. As it gets colder and we have to start keeping our windows closed and wishing for those hot summer days (yes, even move-in day), the sweaty gym shoes smell becomes more and more pervasive.

But don’t lock yourself in your room just yet! Here are some easy ways to keep your dorm smelling fresh without the use of chemicals.


Either in its fresh form or in all-natural sprays or air-fresheners, lavender has a delightful smell that quickly pervades a room without being too overpowering. Place a spring or two in drawers and your closest in between cleaning for an all-natural, fresh scent. Lavender also has wonderful calming properties and will help you fall into a relaxed sleep. Try a DIY lavender bedtime spray here: http://backtoherroots.com/2014/03/13/diy-lavender-linen-spray/



Plants won’t necessarily help your room smell better, but they will help filter the air and will make your room seem more open and light. Plus, who doesn’t love a pop of color? Thankfully for those of us without a green thumb, there are plenty of low-care options (think cacti!). However, to help with air quality, try broadleaf plants like Peace Lilies. 


For quick fixes:

Is it time for someone to visit your room and you don’t have much time to clean? Try dabbing a cotton ball in some vanilla or other essential oil of your choosing and place it in a small bowl in your room. You can also pour a small amount into a bowl, but be careful not to pour too much and overwhelm the room.   

And it’s as easy as that! With these tips, your room can still smell like paradise even in the depths of winter. 

My name is Madeline and I am freshman at the University of Rochester. I row on the crew team and am planning on a double major in neuroscience and women's studies on a pre-med track. I am also involved with the Eco-Reps on campus and I love to read and play the piano.