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To Go Greek or Not to Go Greek

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Richmond chapter.


   I’ll admit it. I fell victim to a plethora of stereotypes regarding Greek Life when I first came to college, and none of them painted this aspect of college life in a positive manner. It is hard when you see movies of superficial, rude sorority girls and hear stories in the news about sexual assaults occurring in frat houses.

   I am beyond pleased to share that none of those stereotypes that I held are true in the slightest. While UR has a fairly high Greek Life participation rate, it is not exclusive in any regard. Before I had joined Greek Life just this semester, my main group of friends were all in sororities while I was not, and out those five girls they were split between three sororities. Not only is Greek Life inclusive to non-Greeks, but no one sorority or fraternity is cliquey.

   Along with still being able to be friends with people involved in Greek Life, another plus to not being in a sorority is saving thousands each year. Dues are around a few hundred dollars each semester, and that doesn’t even add up — it drains the wallet off the bat. Since these funds are so hefty, they may play a factor in one’s decision to rush.

  While there are a few reasons listed as to why it’s totally acceptable not to rush, there are many reasons as to why one should.

  This sounds cliche, but being a part of a sisterhood truly is playing a part in something bigger than yourself. Not only is there such a huge network of people you have just created, you make long lasting friendships with girls whom you share the same values with. It is an amazing feeling walking down the street and seeing someone wearing the letters of your sorority. You may not know the person or have ever seen their face before, but knowing you share that special bond helps to create an instant friendship.

  Philanthropy is an amazing part of doing something bigger than yourself as well. It is a wonderful way to give back to people in need. All sororities or fraternities here on campus either have that philanthropic aspect, or the brothers are bonded by their professional interests.

  It personally took me a while to warm up to the idea of Greek Life, but now that I am a part of it, I wish I would’ve gotten involved sooner. It is not for everyone though, and if it’s not for you then that is okay. Going Greek is great, but not going Greek is great too! Whether you choose to go Greek or not to, you will for sure find your place here on this campus.