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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

We’ve all heard the saying, “when something is on the internet, it’s there permanently”. The web is such a vast world of its own and it contains many secrets that no one could possibly wrap their head around. What would happen if the things we viewed on the internet were limited?

There has been a rather large debate about the topic of net neutrality; whether is should stay in place or be removed. I honestly didn’t know much about net neutrality until I started hearing about it, which led to me reading about it and finally writing this article on it.

Net neutrality gives us all the ability to search the web and communicate through the internet freely without service providers controlling what we do and how we do it. By voting no, ISPs could slow down our internet services or make us pay for a certain package that gives us access to a website or websites.

With all decision-making processes there are pros and cons, so it’s good to weigh them before deciding on something. Here are some pros and cons of net neutrality:


Provides equal opportunities to ISPs large and small to gain customers. No one company can control how data is delivered and how it is accessed.


Net neutrality hurts ISPs because they pay to manage their buildings and offices, bringing them less profit. There are regulations in place that denies them the right to charge consumers, so they charge sites like Netflix which leads to Netflix increasing the price of a monthly subscription to its consumers.


Consumers and internet users have a protected freedom of speech. Net neutrality gives us the right to express how we feel through social media. This is especially important for people like activists who start and spread movements via internet.


Content that may be violent or questionable (i.e. riots, massacres, nudity, etc.,) is viewed and could be easily accessed, along with other illegal activity.


Everyone receives the same services and experience while surfing the web. What is accessible to one is accessible to all.


Although the internet is free for use to all some people use the net less than others. Net neutrality forces all consumers to pay the same amount, which means that someone who uses the internet twice a week is charged the same amount as the person who plays video games 7 days a week. If you really think about it, some consumers pay more than others.

It is my understanding that only Congress is capable of reversing the vote on net neutrality. To find out more follow the link below:


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Hello there, beautiful people! My name is Monica and I am a freshman at Regent University, majoring in Psychology. As expressed through my HC articles, I have a passion for writing. I began my journey of creative writing during my freshman year of high school, and it's a hobby that really stuck with me. I have love for people, nature, and coffee! I hope you all find interest in what you read here. Love, Monica