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An Introverted Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Regent chapter.

Here we are again for take two of the Valentine’s Day interviews! Our interviewees are Micah Allred and Amie Ostic, both freshmen at Regent University. Below is a transcript of our conversation.

Her Campus (HC): Are you in a relationship?

Amie Ostic (AO): Yes.

Micah Allred (MA): No.

HC: How do you feel about Valentine’s Day?

AO: I feel like you should be able to tell and show people you love the 365 days of the year and not only one. The chocolate is good though.

MA: Indifferent.

HC: What’s your least favorite part of Valentine’s Day?

AO: People who are overly lovey-dovey.

MA: Sappy couple posts.

HC: What’s your favorite part of Valentine’s Day?

MA: 75% off chocolate the next day.

MA: Candy.

HC: What do you like to do on Valentine’s Day?

AO: Previously I liked to do gift exchanges, but now I’ll be doing a video chat with my boyfriend.

MA: The same thing I do every other day.

HC: What would be your ideal Valentine’s Day date?

AO: Something simple. I don’t need you to spend $300 on me. Just something simple will do.

MA: Reading book 4 of Mere Christianity with her and watching The Prestige.

HC: Compared to other times of the year, does your introversion affect how you relate with others during this time of the year?

AO: My introversion affects me because all the extroverts come out. It’s draining to see or be around.

MA: No.

HC: Do you have any tips for surviving Valentine’s Day?

AO: Stay in your room with a blanket, go to bed early so you go to the store early the next day for discounted chocolate.

MA: Stay indoors.

There we have it folks: Valentine’s Day from the eyes of introverts and extroverts! They both have contrasting ideas on how to survive, but I saw more similarity between the ladies and gents than introverts and extroverts. The ladies both held emphasis on self-worth during Valentine’s Day while the guys seemed to be rather indifferent to the whole ordeal. Both gentlemen referenced the annoyance of sappy couples on social media. However both Amie and Micah (the introverts) gave the advice of staying home for Valentine’s Day to survive.

To conclude, I’d say that whether introvert or extrovert, there are a few takeaways. First, do what is comfortable for you. You don’t have to act differently just because it’s February 14th. Secondly, be courteous to friends who may not be interested in what you’re doing with your significant other. Oversharing can be seen as bragging and if you still want friends, you should be mindful of how others might feel.

What do you think about Valentine’s Day?


Tiyra is a senior at Regent University studying English with a concentration in communications. No, she does not want to be a teacher. She is a total advertising and marketing geek (she reads Adweek every morning and AdAge every month). She enjoys writing, reading, learning new things, and good music. She is a fan of Korean dramas, they're a lot of fun! If you're looking for her, you can normally find her where the free food is.