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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

Even though our parent are “always” supposed to be right, sometimes they just to some pretty severe conclusions:


Anonymous 1:

Some parents are a bit more accusatory than others, whether it is just one parent who is always thinking the worst or both parents who are super protective and worried that their kid may be up to no good. For me, that was my mom. She was ALWAYS thinking that I was up to no good.

I’d come home from hanging out with my friends and be in a good mood and she’d accuse me of being drunk.

If I came home from something and went straight to the fridge and start eating (like the hungry teenager I was), she’d accuse me of being high.

When I went to college, I remember she accused me for no reason whatsoever of being a smoker. Which she knows I would never do because growing up around it, it is just extremely off-putting. Yet there she was hounding me about being a smoker.

The latest accusation was when I turned 21 and started going to the bar, she goes on rants about how I am now an alcoholic and having an alcoholic beverage at dinner deemed me out of control. She hid all the alcohol in the house thinking I wouldn’t be able to “stop myself”, had my grandparents sit me down and talk to me about the dangers of alcohol and give me AA pamphlets.

I’m not even close to an alcoholic but if she sure does make me want to drink.




Anonymous 2:

My parents have been dating since my mom was 14…and my dad was 18. They did a lot of sneaking around back in their day, so they know a lot about excuse making. This, coupled with the fact that my best friend was my older/more rebellious cousin lead to many accusations over the years. These usually ranged anywhere from me having a secret boyfriend, me going out and partying all the time, or me lying to them about simple things. Looking back, these were more funny than anything. I was a very tame teenager and didn’t “rebel” until my senior year of high school, and even then it was nothing insane.

Since I had two younger siblings and two dogs I often opted to stay at my friends’ houses on the weekends. I didn’t have a car so sticking to someone for the weekend was usually my way of actually being social. This turned in to one of my favorite long-running accusations, the secret boyfriend. Since I stayed at a friend’s house all the time (usually my friend Bella’s) I would just tell them that’s where I was going with no other details. For some reason, they thought that these weekends at Bella’s were “weekends at Bella’s”, and that I was actually sneaking around with a guy. This has to be one of my favorite accusations ever because I had only ever dated one boy in high school, and it was nothing serious. By the time my senior year had hit I gave up on boys, but they didn’t believe me. I was always met with half-joking remarks when leaving the house (even though she would literally pick me up because again, no car). These made me laugh because of the insane measures I would have had to go through to get to my imaginary boyfriend. These weekends quickly became filled with Snapchats to my mom proving where I was and jokes made throughout the week.



It’s all very funny in retrospect, especially after coming clean to my parents about the partying I had rarely done and the petty lies I told them through high school. To this day when I go out somewhere, my family will still say “oh, going to Bella’s?” even though she lives four hours away now. My accusations were definitely not as intense as others, and this is just an example of the many I’ve had through the years, but it just shows how parents are always quick to make sure you’re following the rules no matter what track record you had in the past.


Anonymous 3:

When I was in Middle School I was obsessed with Harry Potter and Charmed. Both involved witchcraft, which was a nightmare to my religious parents! I’m not saying that I ever thought randomly saying spells would suddenly make me a magical witch, but a girl could hope.

So one day, I was in my room watching Harry Potter and practicing the different spells that were in the movie. My mom happened to walk by and noticed my sinful behavior, proceeded to have a dramatic fit and made me go to church every day for two week. During this period, I was called the devil at least five times. While, I know that I am not an angel or by any means or a great Catholic, but I think a devil was a bit rash.




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