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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

College goes by so fast.  For me, it’s weird to think that I’m almost halfway through my junior year.  Looking back, on my college expereicne, it’s easy to see how much I’ve changed since I’ve started.  We’ve all learned things along the way and it’s astonishing when you consider how far you’ve come.  One of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned is that I need to find a way to be happy with how my life is going right now.

It’s a lesson that not everyone eventually learns.  We are constantly comparing ourselves to others.  For instance, we see a photo on Instagram and think, “Aw I wish I looked like them!”  Or we listen to someone tell stories about their adventures and think “Aw I wish I had done that!”  This wears us down and makes us feel inadequate. But no one is inadequate. There is no one else like you. Don’t keep your uniqueness a secret. Be the person you want to be.  Don’t be jealous of others. Refuse to wait for the world to make a space for you.  Because it won’t.  The world is too chaotic and selfish to wait for someone as brilliant as you.  So you have to make the world listen.  Be like Hannah Montana and “Make some noise!”  (Cheesy, I know and I apologize for that!)

What have you got to lose?  Some people may think you’re odd and judge you but that shouldn’t hold you back. Not everyone is going to accept you but you can’t make everyone happy. We all have to have the courage to find that niche in life where we feel like we really belong.  Maybe you’ve found that in college or perhaps you’re still searching.  Whatever stage you’re at, know that it’s going to be okay.  We’ve all been there. 


I love University of Portland!