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Vitamins We Should Take Every Day To Stay Healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

A few weeks after entering college, I received a text from my mom telling me that she ordered daily multi-vitamins for me to take. This was not unusual behavior for my mother. She has purchased me many self-help books, financial assistance manuals, and vitamins over the course of my teenage years. I’m sorry mom, I still have not read any of the books you’ve given me, but I have taken the vitamins. As an early teenager, I didn’t really believe in vitamins. If they were so awesome, why wasn’t everyone taking them?

Most college students do not take vitamins. I have a few friends who continue to take Flintstones gummy vitamins, yet I am 100% positive this is because of their taste and not for their nutritional value. In college, we are forced into apartments/dorms/classes where we are in close proximity with so many people. We are almost bound to get sick at some point during the year. Also, the food we are offered, at the dining hall and at on-campus restaurants, often lacks the nutritional value our bodies need. It is important to take supplements to give you your daily value of fruits, veggies, dairy products and whole grains.



One of the most important vitamins you can take as a college student is a multi-vitamin. It would be too difficult to suggest just one brand because there are so many multi-vitamins out there to choose from. Multi-vitamins have the ability to make you look and feel better. They often combine many types of vitamins, so you will not have to go out and buy many types of vitamins. Also, typically, you only take 1 a day so it is not a habit that is hard to keep up with.

Vitamin C

I will often see my friends loading up on Vitamin C when they start to get sick. However, Vitamin C does not cure sickness, it mostly just helps to prevent it. Vitamin-C should be your best friend during the winter where germs circulate around college dorms. If your friends are starting to get sick, go take Vitamin C! Growing up, my mother always made sure the house was stocked with Emergen-C packets. These little pouches offer a lot of Vitamin-C and you can mix it in your drink for a quick dose of Vitamin C. Vitamin C also increases alertness and concentration!

Vitamin D

When most people think of Vitamin D, they think of the sun. As you all know, in Pittsburgh, especially during the winter, the sun is pretty much non-existent. This does not mean you have to go buy a tanning membership to get Vitamin D. Vitamin D pills will provide you with the perfect amount you need and can help in the development of strong bones and a strong immune system.


B-Complex pills like B1, B2, and B3 are great vitamins that help boost metabolism. They also give you more energy, help with stress and help to ensure restful sleep. B-Complex supplements are extremely important for college students who often are very stressed and do not get a sufficient amount of sleep. Biotin, a type of B-Complex supplement, is also great for healthy skin and hair. Biotin has been proven to help with thickening of hair.

There are many other great kinds of vitamins out there so I encourage all of you to look into different vitamin supplements to take. Vitamins are fairly inexpensive, and they will boost your energy and make you look great! As a college female, I sometimes find it difficult to keep up with a strict vitamin regimen, so my favorite is a multi-vitamin supplement like Women’s One A Day daily supplement, or Rainbow Light’s Active Teen Health (you can get this on Amazon!) It may be best to consult your doctor before taking vitamin supplements to ensure your vitamins are not interfering with any prescriptions you are on. Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, vitamins will have you feeling and looking great in no time!


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Junior Media and Professional Communications major at Pitt.
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