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New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Whether you make resolutions every year or have given up on resolutions all together, it’s important to make goals for yourself. Goal setting is really helpful for getting yourself to the state you want to be in—whether that is mentally, physically or emotionally. I never keep my resolutions, so this year I’ve made these resolutions that I can actually see myself completing. Hopefully, these can inspire you to make resolutions that you’ll actually keep.

You see that cork? That’s you firing off into bigger and better things… And possibly someone’s nose.


Conquer Wanderlust: Visit friends who’ve moved away after high school. Although we all can’t afford lavish vacations to Hawaii, you can always afford to make the effort to stay in touch with old friends. Visiting friends cuts down on expenses because ideally, you can crash on their couch instead of a hotel. More importantly, you’re reconnecting with someone special, which will create more good memories than a solo stay in any scenic resort.

You could be sleeping just as comfortably on someone’s couch. Look at that slumber. So majestic.


Weight Loss Wannabes: Learn to love your body for what it can do, not what it looks like. So much of weight loss goals are for a better physical appearance, but if you shift your focus towards performance you’ll see more positive results. Being able to run faster, lift more, or go further in your training is more gratifying than the numbers on a scale or clothes items.

Just in case you weren’t feeling inspired yet.


Ambiguous Academics: Don’t shoot for “all A’s.” Make goals that are quantifiable and realistic. If you’re really trying and all you can seem to get are B’s, all A’s might not be realistic for your schedule. However, shooting for a “3.5 GPA” or to improve your GPA by .25-.5 would be reasonable. Don’t be too hard on yourself either. Everyone has bad days, and if this happens to affect your learning, find healthy ways to combat stress.

When nothing’s going right, go left!


Big Money Savers: Save a specific amount of every paycheck. Some businesses allow you to allot a certain percentage of your paycheck to a savings account. This way, you don’t have to allot the money yourself, and you can’t make excuses for falling short because you really wanted that item online or you really wanted to go to that last minute concert. If your place of employment doesn’t allow you to put money away before you receive your paycheck, take a specific amount, anywhere from $20-$100 each paycheck, and put it in a piggy bank or a savings account and DON’T TOUCH IT. You’ll thank yourself later.

This could be you in December after you’ve saved all that money this year.

No matter what your goals are for 2015, there’s one that every collegiate should try to keep: Make memories. Push yourself out of your comfort zone! The best memories are the ones that weren’t planned and articulated to a tee. Try something new this year. This is the time for discovering who we are as people, so do something worth remembering!

That’s tomorrow on the horizon. Go out and get it!


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt