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Meet Katie Piscopio, HC Pitt’s 2015-2016 President!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

When you hear Katie’s name mentioned around campus, most people would think determined, charismatic busy bee. To me, Katie has been that and so much more. Together we’ve been Campus Correspondents of Her Campus Pitt for the past year, and sorority sisters for three. Now that she is taking over HC Pitt as President in the fall as a senior, I had to put her in the spotlight one last time to show how truly amazing this girl is. When you see this achiever on campus, give her a round of applause, she definitely deserves it!

Amanda Corrado: What are you most excited about in taking over as prez next year?

Katie Piscopio: I’m just so honored and in shock that I am the president. I think I’m most excited to finish out my four years in Her Campus and come full cycle. I started out freshman year, and I knew after the first meeting I wanted to be president. I can’t wait to see the overall growth of HC Pitt since I joined, and how I will contribute to that during my presidency. It was never about the title for me, but just having a medium to express myself while meeting some pretty awesome people. Her Campus helped me realize freshman year that I am meant to be a Writing major. I would never have found who I truly was and came into my passionate, hardworking personality if it wasn’t for the opportunity to lead and write. I can’t wait to give that same experience to other students who were like me when I first joined.

AC: What else are you involved in on campus?

KP: I’m a sister and New Member Educator (aka Mom) for my sorority Delta Phi Epsilon, an editorial intern at WHIRL Magazine, and an executive board member of Pitt’s Best Buddies Organization. I’m also an employee in the mailrooms on campus, so you may see me across the counter as I hand over your package!

AC: So you’re involved in so much on and off campus. What’s your secret to staying organized (and sane)?

KP: Sometimes I wonder that everyday! I think just making lists, crossing things off as I go, and really focusing when it’s time to do work. Yeah, I know I’m a nerd, but I live for crossing one of my assignments off my list once I’m done with it. The fact that I haven’t crossed it off yet makes me want to get it done quicker (I know, I seem a little OCD). Staying organized is all about making sure you really use your time well. I try my best to not get distracted with online shopping, but it happens to the best of us. I also thrive off of constantly running around. I always have somewhere to be and that’s just how I live—being busy 24/7.

AC: You’ve accomplished so much this past year, with building up the team and creating a fun atmosphere for writers. What is your biggest goal with HC Pitt next year?

KP:  I want to continue growing our membership and letting everyone on campus know what HC Pitt is about. Our social media has been ON POINT this year (follow us @HerCampusPitt because we’re cool), and I want to continue to build our following so we reach even more milestones. My friend from Virginia who I work at a sleepaway camp with once told me that she was sitting in a huge lecture class and saw a girl in front of her reading my HC article on her laptop. That’s my goal for our chapter—to get our name out there, and to have fun during the process. More bonding events for new members to become friends is also key!

AC: What’s your favorite part about Pitt?

KP: Peace, Love & Little Donuts. I’m actually known as the girl whose dad orders 80 donuts for her birthday. In terms of the school in general, I would say the basketball games. I am a proud member of the Oakland Zoo, and I think my favorite moment of college was when I slept in the basketball arena my freshman year for the Syracuse game. It was a cold and uncomfortable night, but the most amazing game I have ever experienced. I always have a high after every game, especially the Notre Dame and Syracuse games this year. The energy is like nothing I’ll ever experience.

AC: What is going to be your biggest challenge with this new role?

KP: Putting so much pressure on myself. I give my 150% to everything and I set such high expectations for myself. I have so many goals to improve the organization and success of our chapter, and I know I’ll put all of that right on the top of my shoulders. I also think recruiting more guys will be a challenge like it is every year, but I want to work really hard to let the men on campus know that we are not just an organization for girls! Some of our best writing has come from a guy’s perspective, and it really helps balance out articles that cater to women.

AC: What’s something you so aren’t ashamed of doing that most people would never admit to?

KP: My mom has this running joke that she tells everyone: “Katie could be floating in outer space like Sandra Bullock in the movie Gravity, and she’d still find a way to contact me!” I can’t help it or deny it because I love talking a lot and I love my mom! There’s no one I want to call first about any exciting news before I call her.

Also, I actually have an addiction to hummus and eat about 3 containers a week. I probably spend around $50 on hummus a month. It’s sick. But that’s just me in a nutshell.

AC: Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

KP: Stay true to yourself and your passions. My best articles are the ones that involve topics I am passionate about like camp, food, reading, whatever! Let your voice shine through in your writing and put your heart into every word. Also, get your writing out there! The day I joined Her Campus was the day I started to create a portfolio of writing, and I didn’t even realize it. On that note, don’t stress too much over having a lot of internships. I’ll be spending my summer back at camp while my friends have amazing internships at magazines in NYC. Am I jealous? Yeah, but I’m doing what I love for one last summer. There’s always more time to get the experience you want.

Thanks Katie! I’ll miss you so much next year! I know you’ll make Her Campus Pitt the best ever! HCXO!


All photos provided by Celeb.

Hi! My name is Amanda and I am one of the new Campus Correspondents for HC Pitt and am absolutely loving it! Helping others with advice about their articles and getting to read amazing stories has been so rewarding. I love writing about topics that make people's days just a little cheerier! Her Campus has been a wonderful experience for me over the past four years. I get to work with an amazing team every day and could not be more grateful. As a senior, looking back from where I started with Her Campus, I see how much it's changed me and all of the great friends I've made from it too. Saying HC is one of the best things that has happened to me during my college career would be an understatement! I really love how much it has grown and how much others have benefitted from their experience with our organization. HCXO <3
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt