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An Interview With 582 Bridges, The Slate You Should Vote For In The Upcoming SGB Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Her Campus: Could you tell me the names, majors, years, and hometowns of everyone on your slate?

Albert Tanjaya 

Major: Computer Science 


Philadelphia, PA

Nick Bibby 

Major: Political Science 


Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 

Zechariah Brown

Economics and Political Science 


Montclair, New Jersey 

Her Campus: What are your slate’s main initiatives? 

582 Bridges: Our Slate’s main initiatives are focused on improving the Wi-Fi system, restructuring the EMS booking system, implementing Allies week during freshmen orientation, look into raising efficiency on SafeRider, beginning talks with city council and other universities to see how Pitt can get womens’ hygiene supplies in the bathrooms alongside the free condoms, and having Sodexo be more culturally competent and accurate when making food. We have so many more initiatives that can be found here: https://sgb582bridges.squarespace.com/policy-and-initiatives/ for even further detail. 

Her Campus: How did you all come to meet/get to the point of working together and running the Student Government? 

Albert: We all met since freshmen year taking the same three classes and have bonded ever since. I don’t know if any other slate can boast the same. I approached Zech and Nick a while back knowing how involved and influential they both were and after a few short talks on the 10A, here we are.

Her Campus: What are each of your favorite things about Pitt?

Albert: Personally, my favorite thing about Pitt is the 6th Floor of the Union. It encompasses the beauty of Pitt’s diversity even though minorities at Pitt only make up about 25% of the student body. It is from that floor where I’ve had the chance to meet such great friends and allowed me to network. It’s on the 6th floor where I had the opportunity to attended many conferences representing Pitt and also allowed me to branch my network and friends to other campuses across the nation and being able to bring back those ideas back here at Pitt to share with everyone. 

Zech: One of my favorite things about Pitt is the staff. From the Market workers to our security guards, they all go above and beyond the requirements of their job to make my day better and engage with myself and other students.

Nick: The friends I’ve made have been invaluable in modeling my experience at this university. From our late night study sessions to playing Mario Cart until 3 am, they’ve been with me every step of the way.  I think that having a community builds a sense of belonging, and makes a place feel like home.

Her Campus: What are the things about Pitt you’d each most like to see changed? 

Albert: Something I’d like to see change about Pitt definitely concerns the lack of student spaces we have. For an example, we have one floor of the union to try to encompass all the cultural organizations. We have over 500 organizations and there is not one building dedicated to just student space, but we do have about 4 hotels on campus. 

Zech: Pitt needs to foster an environment that tackles stubbornness and arrogance. We need students to be more aware of who they might be talking to and take into consideration their identity, race, gender, etc.

Nick: Pitt definitely needs to get better and more advisors. A&S advisors already need improving and we need more departmental advisors since they are so few of them and there are so many students.

Her Campus: Why should our readers vote for 582 Bridges?

582 Bridges: Your readers should vote for 582 Bridges because there are 582 registered student organizations in SORC and we believe that since Pittsburgh is the City of Bridges, it is also symbolic for the countless connections and impacts student organizations have on the student body. Our mission is to help keep that connection alive and stronger every day by being your bridge workers and maintenance crew so you can rely on a support system you can trust.  

Thank You and Hail to Pitt!

Photo Credits: Pictures provided by 582 Bridges

Casey Schmauder is a Campus Correspondent and the President of Her Campus at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a senior at Pitt studying English Nonfiction Writing with a concentration in Public and Professional Writing. 
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt