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Rising Star: Sydney DeMaria

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

Warning: There are spoilers, so be sure to have watched the super amazing, heartfelt, beautiful musical The Big Fish before reading this!

How long have you been singing and acting?

Sydney: My whole life!

Do you have any special rituals you do before a show?

Sydney: Actually I have! Before every show I would do the warm-up Sharpay and Ryan did in the movie High School Musical, then I would pray and jump up and down before I run on stage.

Favorite character you have played before coming to Pepperdine?

Sydney: Mary Poppins

Favorite show you were in?

Sydney: You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown

What characters did you play, in Big Fish the Musical?

Sydney: I was a school teacher, one of the Alabama lambs, a wedding guest, and a witch dancer.

What was your favorite song from the musical?

Sydney: This is such a difficult question, but if I had to pick it would be “Be the Hero”, because it was the first song we learned and I also really like the meaning behind the song. In the beginning the song was passed from father to son, and in the end this song was once again passed from father to son.


Are there some laugh worthy moments you would like to share with us?

Sydney: Everyone in the cast was super fun to be around, and I found it especially funny when one of the cast members would always say his lines differently every time we rehearsed. Also, there is a scene in the show where the townspeople are gathered and the guy who holds the gun would make the funniest sound effects. Then there was this hilarious tripping incident as we were exiting the stage after the Alabama lamb solo. We almost tripped over one another running off stage, but once we were offstage, all three of us were laughing so hard!

What was most memorable from your experience in Big Fish the musical?

Sydney: I think I’ll always remember my wacky school teacher character, which I named Susan. I’ll also remember crying after we had our first full run through. Even though it has only been a few months since I got to know the other cast members, I really feel like we have become like a family. Also, it was super cool that we got to wear the original Broadway cast’s costume.


Fun Challenge to Try: The Jamba Juice Challenge

Sydney is taking on the challenge to try all the smoothies that are on Jamba Juice’s menu. So far she has already tried 14 different smoothies and is still going strong. I’m sure she will be able to try them all in no time. There’s nothing more fun and adventurous than trying new flavors of smoothies—that is, if you are up to this challenge!
