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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

Who likes waking up at 8 am to learn? I know that’s not my favorite thing to do. However, going to class may help you do better in class. Just hear me out, and maybe you’ll gain a few insights from my experience.

I know that not all Elkin classes start at 8 am, but they all have something in common. They are all just long lectures that aren’t very engaging, which leads to the temptation of taking out our phones or just zoning out in general. Here are some tips that will hopefully help make your life easier when it comes to these Elkin classes.



Tip #1: Attend class if you can and pay attention to lectures.

Tip #2: Take good notes because many of the questions come from what the professor talks about in class.

Tip #3: If you by any chance didn’t attend class, don’t worry because there’s still hope for you. There are tutors for almost every General Education class so don’t be shy, and go to the tutor for explanations on the things you missed. You can even go to the professor during office hours to ask for further explanations.

Tip #4: Study for the tests wisely. I am pretty sure you have heard many times from your professors that you should study actively—to not just read and highlight. Well, I have found a great method of studying that works really well for me, and it is making notecards. I am not talking about making a !uizlet, I am talking about actually writing on an actual notecard. Basically, I would write down all the things we have to know on the notecards—sometimes grouping one or few things together because they either go together or are like opposites—then I would skim through my notes, the textbook, and sometimes the PowerPoint slides, and write down information I think is important. This may seem like a long and tedious task, but it works! I would recommend spreading out the time to do this over a few days—it is possible to do all this in a day, but it will drain you.

These tips don’t really offer an easy way out since there really is no shortcut to being able to do well in class. However, these tips will help you plenty if you are willing to just put in a little bit more time into your studies. Happy studying!