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3 Easy Tips to Prepare for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.

Out of all of the events of the semester, finals week is probably the most stressful time! Final papers are due, exams are being taken and the only thing on our minds, besides those exam dates, is beginning winter break! All will be well if you keep calm and follow 3 easy tips to prepare for finals!

  • Change your scenery for studying- Try visiting the library if it’s not your usual spot for studying. You can rent out a private study room, so it’s easier to concentrate. But be careful! When it gets closer to finals week, the library can get pretty crowded!


  • Give yourself a break– It’s important to give yourself some time to relax while studying. Make sure to take small breaks in between to help your brain absorb what you just went over in your notes. Then, you can get back to preparing to ace that final!


  • Have a friend quiz you on the material– Once you’ve studied on your own, ask a friend to quiz you on what you’ve already reviewed. This is an easy way for you to know what areas you need more work in. It can also be a less stressful way to study since you’ll have a close friend to help you in the meantime! (Hint: Note cards are great for this!)


Bree McKenney is a senior Professional Writing major at Penn State Berks. She is the Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus chapter at Berks and she's also involved in the Blue&White Society. In addition to that, she is currently an RA, Peer Mentor, Multicultural Mentor, and a S.A.I.L. Mentor. She loves fashion and has been writing style blogs for Her Campus for a year now.