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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.

Snack Attack

There’s no better way to keep off the extra weight and satisfy that grumbling stomach than trying some of these healthy snacks.

  1. Chobani Simply 100 Greek Yogurt

With over 16 flavors to choose from, I have to say this is one of my go to snacks. My personal favorite being the vanilla yogurt mixed with some PBfit and a few dark chocolate chips! Choose any flavor add some granola, fresh fruit or just eat it plain and you have yourself the perfect snack.

  1. Skinny Pop


My weakness! You will be addicted after just one handful and it only gets better from there. Turn on some Netflix grab your bag of Skinny Pop and chow down.

  1. Arctic Zero



Here we have a wealth of different flavors for that late night ice cream fix. Whether you’re a chocolate lover or a fruity fanatic this treat will definitely satisfy your ice cream needs in a guilt free way.

  1. Veggie Sticks



The perfect alternative to potato chips.

  1. Light Babybel Cheese

I mean who doesn’t love a good miniature cheese wheel?

  1. Clif Crunch Bars


Four flavors of crunchy goodness, these bars are perfect for a grab and go snack.

  1. One Degree Sprouted Oat Granola

Put it in yogurt, mix it with fruit, or be a little daring and eat it straight from the bag, either way this granola is to die for! Four different flavors of pure happiness in a bag.

  1. Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter and Banana


The optimal snack for a late afternoon energy boost, an apple cinnamon Rice Cake, with PB and banana Uhhh huhhh.

  1. Frozen Berries with Whip Cream

Yum! So easy and so good, this snack will leave you wanting more every time. A bag of frozen fruit of your choice and a can of light whip cream it is

really that simple and I can promise you it is just as delicious.

  1. Bark Thins

Can’t get rid of that chocolate craving? Try one of the nine different flavors of chocolaty goodness Bark Thins have to offer.

Hi! My name is Jacqueline and I am a senior communication studies major with minors in business and women and gender studies at Pace University. I am the president / campus correspondent for the Her Campus Pace Chapter and the president of the production club PopTV. I am a Hufflepuff and lover of all things Harry Potter! Also, I am a HUGE Marvel fan! When I am not writing and leading Her Campus, I like to spend my time reading, watching Netflix, and singing every song that comes on Spotify.