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Jordan Greenslade ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxy chapter.

Name: Jordan Greenslade

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Moor Park, California

Major: DWA

Relationship Status: Single

Usually Seen: Around upper campus.

On campus activities: YCCA, One Voice.

What is your ideal date? The beach and then some good Indian food.

What is your dream vacation? I kinda wanna go to Cuba, it’d be a really unique experience.

What was your favorite song when you were in middle school? Back in Black by ACDC

What is your favorite Oxy memory so far? Going to Nonstop, the Indian food truck, with Tyler and Lucia. I highly recommend it.

What is your biggest guilty pleasure? Rourke.

Who is your celebrity man crush? Ryan Gosling’s pretty attractive.

What is your favorite Youtube video? Cat Gets Up and Walks on Two Legs

First Kiss Story: I dropped her off after hanging out with friends and we were talking for a while and before she went/I went for it.

How do you feel about your nomination as campus cutie? I feel very honored to receive this prestigious award. To follow in the footsteps of  Aaron Vogel is a great privilege. 

If you could have a superpower what would it be? I’ve always wanted to fly.

If you could nominate someone else for Campus Cutie who would it be? I would love to see Sid interviewed for this.


Photo Credit: Ben Walker (Facebook)

Madi Tsuji is a former Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Occidental. She is originally from Seattle, WA and now lives in New York City, where she works in PR.