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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

This past week was Valentine’s Day at Oxford, which meant a lot of candy gram deliveries for student organizations. Among the piles of hearts being signed and sent to students were a few designated for professors, thanking them for their devoted time and energy. The notes made me smile and prompted me to imagine all the things I, and many others, would like to say to our favorite professors. It’s long past due. And so, this message is dedicated to them.

To the professors…

To the ones that stay up until one in the morning grading papers…

To the ones that write our letters of recommendation…

To the ones that make us want to change our major…

To the ones that always have a line of students waiting to talk to them after class…

To the ones who challenge us…

And most of all, to the ones who inspire us…

We thank you. Oxford wouldn’t be the same without your presence. That’s part of what makes this small college so very special. The close relationship between professors and students means specialized guidance and support that is rare to find with underclassmen. Our futures are just beginning to take shape, so your influence cannot be underestimated. This is a little token of our appreciation for everything you have done for us over the course of our time here.


Oxford Student Body

Writing for Her Campus, alongside being the Senior Editor of the Emory chapter, strengthens my creativity and ability to teach others. It spills into my professional life by emphasizing my capabilities to motivate, inspire, and learn from my peers.