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The One Thing I Wish I Knew Coming into College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oxford Emory chapter.

You know the saying “time flies?” Well it really does. In a jiffy I went from attending first year orientation to packing up my things for Thanksgiving break. Move in day seems like 3 days ago, and midterms feel like yesterday. And then it hit me— the semester is almost at an end and a fourth of my time here at Oxford is over.  

Time had slid by me like sand slides through fingers. As excited as I was to be back home, I realized I only had a month till this semester is officially over before I would be starting with a blank slate again. That got me thinking. 

The one thing I wish I had been more mindful about, coming in was time. At Oxford getting involved on Campus is easy and vital. School starts and club applications drop like hot cakes, there are social events you have to attend and then of course the ever present stress of classes.  

And to lose track of time is so easy. I felt this firsthand.  

Being caught in this frenzy can be fun and help us expand on the millennial ideal of glorfying hustle, but we need to reflect.  

Just ten minutes of your day spent reflecting can help you stay grounded and keep you in touch with yourself and that is so important.  

So go forth into the world, hustle and achieve your goals but don’t forget that you need time to be you and stay in touch with what you feel.  

Writing for Her Campus, alongside being the Senior Editor of the Emory chapter, strengthens my creativity and ability to teach others. It spills into my professional life by emphasizing my capabilities to motivate, inspire, and learn from my peers.