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The Magic In Female Friendships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

There is something magical about how women bond. Little girls’ playdates consisted of dressing up, making silly dances to popular songs, and creating vivid stories we believed would come true someday. For women in college, some nights are not as vivid. The stories are retold the next morning with gut-hurting laughter, and the hangover becomes worth it. Let’s be honest though; there is no place more supportive than a bathroom full of drunk girls. If you need lipgloss someone will be more than happy to give it to you. Although going out is fun, nothing beats staying in with your best gal pals and doing something as simple as painting each other’s nails. Maybe we traded the soda for wine, but none of us really grew out of that sleepover stage.

Our love for each other can be powerful and I know this to be true. Most of my closest friend groups consisted of only females. The happiest I have ever been was when I lived with three strong, caring women in an apartment made for two. It was cramped and hectic, but not a day went by when I didn’t laugh. Despite the stress from my job at the time, I felt like every night was a sleepover.Recently I had gotten into a conversation with two of my close girlfriends about whether or not we prefer guy friends or girlfriends. Both of them said they prefer friendships with guys. However, they mentioned that women can be too catty and mean. I was sad but not surprised. I’ve met a lot of women who have said the same thing.

Why is it that we see women in this manner? Is it true that maybe we are too competitive with one another? While I have a lot to say about how awesome my female friendships were, I’ve also had my fair share of some catty, unhealthy friendships. What gives?

I don’t know about you, but the friendships aren’t about the “girly” things we do with one another. Instead, they’re about the gut-hurting laughter, the deep dark secrets you entrust with them, the times they had your back, and the times you had their shoulder to cry on. All in all, it is about the connection you make with them. Of course, this remains true for any friendship. However, there is magic when it happens between women that cannot be explained. If your past friendships with girls have been catty and malicious then you might need to reconsider the people you have been friends with. Consider how you play a role in attracting those sort of people. We all deserve this bit of magic, this bit of empowerment.

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Kat F


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Katie Short

Oswego '18

Katie is a recent graduate of SUNY Oswego, where she double-majored in Creative Writing and Political Science and a minor in Journalism. She was the Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Oswego as well as a Chapter Advisor. Katie hopes to get a job in writing, editing or social media.