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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Her Campus Ohio State, like many organizations throughout the country, has recognized the need for action against the rate of sexual assault on our college campus and how it is handled. Sexual assault is not typically a subject discussed on a daily basis on campus, many people are uncomfortable not only hearing others disclose their attacks but also, supporting those who choose to come forward about their attacks. Therefore, as an organization that supports men and women alike, we are standing with everyone and saying, It’s On Us.

President Obama began publicly supporting this campaign in 2014 by requiring an investigation into the claims and underlying rumors at various universities suspected of fostering an environment conducive to sexual assault. In his address, he stated that the whole point of pursuing this initiative is because, “It is on all of us to reject the quiet tolerance of sexual assault and to refuse to accept what’s unacceptable.”  However, It’s On Us has really come to the public’s attention through their use of celebrities in their campaigns.

Unfortunately, college has been a breeding ground for sexual aggression and assault for decades but little has been done to change this culture. Even at our own university, our former band director Jon Waters was removed from his position because he not only knew of an inappropriate sexual environment within the band’s culture but also, allowed certain unsafe and unethical practices to continue. After one of our football games this season, there were at least three rapes reported the next day to the police and probably countless more that have gone untold. A good ol’ boys club lens still is used when referring to sex in college. but, that era has worn out it’s welcome and it is time to value the people who are considered collateral damage in its wake. Not all assaults or unsafe environments are on a large scale, students can be affected on a daily basis in smaller settings, even within plain sight, without anyone knowing. That is where the It’s On Us campaign comes in.

“But “as far as we’ve come, the fact is that from sports leagues to pop culture to politics, our society still does not sufficiently value women,” he said. “We still don’t condemn sexual assault as loudly as we should. We make excuses. We look the other way. The message that sends can have a chilling effect” on young men and women.”

It’s On Us means that we take responsibility for caring for our fellow students, not turning them away because of their experiences, and not avoiding reporting the assaults we witness. Adapting the bystander viewpoint is not acceptable. All that we ask of our fellow students, faculty and friends is to not look the other way. Stand with each other, educate people on what sexual assault is and how to not do or encourage it, and do not look the other way.

To sign the petition and find out more information on how to get involved: http://itsonus.org/#top


OSU Strategic Communication-General Business. PRSSA. Her Campus. STEP. Clairee Belcher and Tina Fey are my spirit animals. kaitlinbradley.weebly.com https://twitter.com/KateBradley26 http://www.pinterest.com/speedbee2612/