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Don’t Let Social Media Ruin Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

After a fun night out with all your friends the first thing you want to do the next morning is post all of your crazy pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so everyone that follows you can see just how fabulous your life really is. But wait–don’t hit “post” just yet. Who’s going to see this? Do you really want your parents, aunts, and grandparents to see the picture of you drinking straight from the bottle? Once you post that picture, it is officially on the internet and anyone can see it–including future employers. And if you’re underage, the consequences of pictures like this are even worse; you could get kicked out of clubs, honor societies, and even schools that you worked so hard to get into.

Always think before you post. Ask yourself these questions: Do I want everyone to see this picture? Is this the version of myself I want to show the world? If the answer is no, save it to your computer so you will always have the memory, but keep it away from the internet.

Some of the best memories you make during college are at parties or tailgates where there will be alcohol. So, what do you do when you have a great shot of you and your roommates but one of them is frustratingly holding a wine cooler? Or you finally scored a great picture with your crush that you just have to show all your friends, but he has a Keystone in his hand? Have no fear, collegiettes–there is an app for that. Switch A Brew is a super cool new app that can switch a beer can or red solo cup for something funny, like a Barbie doll or a kitten. It makes it safe and funny to post pictures from the night before. And best of all, the app is free!


So, remember: think before you post pictures online of you or your friends drinking and, if you must post it, use Switch A Brew so no one even knows what went on.