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The Legendary Unicorn Frappuccino We All Wanted

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Do you believe in magic? How about the Unicorn Frappuccino?

As aesthetically pleasing and colorful as the new Unicorn Frappuccino might be, did it live up to its name? Its mystery taste of fruity-sweet and candy-sour produced an explosion of sweet and sour in one sip!

The Unicorn Frappuccino didn’t just flood Instagram feeds, but also Snapchat stories. After one day of advertising and introducing the new frap, Snapchat helped us all get that picture-perfect selfie with the Unicorn Frappuccino inspired filter. As if the new frap needed any more hype! With our heads in the clouds thinking about rainbows and flying kittens, the Snapchat filter was very popular. Look at those adorable heart eyes and the majestic unicorn horn–if only this filter lasted forever!

The limited time offer left Starb-lovers no choice but to purchase the new frap within five days’ time! The legendary Unicorn Frappuccino we all wanted went out-of-stock within two days at the only participating EMU Starbucks on the University of Oregon campus. Hopefully, the Unicorn Frappuccino will reappear for advantageous taste-testers, like me, who didn’t get the chance to taste the rainbows and sunshine before it was magically gone! But considering its mixed reviews, Starbucks might rethink the unicorn frap and add it to the menu permanently–who knows?!

Ashley Ferris is an Entertainment Writer for Her Campus Media. Previously Her Campus Oregon chapter's Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief, she's a recent public relations graduate from the University of Oregon. In her free time, Ashley enjoys jamming out to country music, following the latest news on social media and drinking Starbucks coffee on the regular. She loves talking about "Friends" TV show, chocolate candies and anything related to Disney. You can follow her on Twitter @ashleybird17.
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