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Signs You Are The Mom of Your Friend Group

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

There is always that one friend who acts like your mother. She means well, but sometimes she tries to ruin your good time.  If you are not sure who the mom is, it is probably you. Check out the signs below to see if you might be the mom of your friend group:


1. You watch your friends get ready to go out every weekend and you sit there all night waiting for them to get home.

2. When your friends want to do stupid or illegal activities you shut it down because it is too dangerous.

3. Taking care of your drunk friends is second nature to you. It happens so often that is has become your job.

4. Whenever there is a problem, everyone comes to you first for advice because you know best.

5. If someone is hungry or thirsty, they know to come to you for snacks. Basically anything they might need, you have it in bulk.

Thanks for reading some of the signs you are the mom of your friend group!



Hey everyone! My name is Callan Fridgen, and I'm a junior at Oneonta State studying Communications with a minor in Public Relations. Find me on Instagram @callanfridgen