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A Friday Night Out Told by Bridesmaids

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

It’s Friday, you just got done with a long week of classes, and you can’t wait to go out and forget about the week you had.. You and your girls finish getting ready, and it’s go time!

You get to the bar, and the first thing you do is try to order a drink…

…But sadly you realize you have no money, so you’re looking for the first guy you can find to buy you a drink

After he buys you a drink, you run away so you don’t have to keep talking to him.

So, you walk away and are finally ready to have a night with your friends!

Some random girl starts telling you about how the guy she likes is with another girl… so you try and help her out!

Your night keeps going and the bar’s about to close. You find all your friends and you all make it back in one piece, recapping the night..

You wake up the next morning and the hangover is in full force…

But then you take that glorious first sip of cold water.

Then you give that look to your friend because you know you have to do it all again tonight!

My name is Nicole Secular and I am from Long Island, New York. I am currently a senior at SUNY College at Oneonta, with a major in Communication Studies and a minor in Public Relations. Check out my articles! :)
Kenzie Negron is currently a senior in college studying at SUNY Oneonta to pursue her dream career of being a high school english teacher as well as a part time journalist. Kenzie is the proud Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Chapter at SUNY Oneonta. Kenzie is also the author of her own blog; http://sincerelykenz.com. In her spare time, Kenzie enjoys snowboarding, indulging in tacos, and hanging out with her friends. You can find out more information about Kenzie by following her on Twitter and Instagram (@kenzienegron).