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16 Thoughts While Walking To Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.


Everyone knows it, the dreadful walk to class. Especially after a fun weekend out on the town or a long night of studying, making your way across campus to get to class is always quite the struggle.

Here are every girl’s 16 thoughts when walking to class:

1.    “Woah! Its hot out!”

2.   “I really wish my dorm was closer to the classrooms.”

3.   “Oh I think I know that girl… Should I wave?”

4.   “Okay, we didn’t make eye contact. Phew..”

5.   “Do I have time to stop for Starbucks?”

6.   “Probably not, but maybe I’ll stop anyways.”

7.    “I wish I had that girl’s outfit. OMG!”

8.    “Maybe if a car hits me I won’t have to go to class..”

9.    “I should have packed a snack…”

10.  “Hmm I hope I did my homework.”

11.   “Am I there yet?”

12.  “Do I smell bad? I feel like I definitely smell bad.”

13.  “Honestly, I should have just skipped.”

14.  “Aw look! that couple is super cuuuuute!!”

15.   “Okay, that was too long of a walk…”

16.  “I’m going to need a nap after this”

I'm a junior education major, from the east end of Long Island. I like the beach, coffee, and J.Crew. "to live would be an awfully big adventure"
Hey everyone! My name is Callan Fridgen, and I'm a junior at Oneonta State studying Communications with a minor in Public Relations. Find me on Instagram @callanfridgen