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Three Easy Ways to Burn Off Your Pumpkin Spice Latte

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Photo credit to activelynorthwest.com

We all know the alluring siren call of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s cinnamon warmth hugs you like the most perfect blanket. But did you know a typical PSL can have 410 calories in it? If you have one (or two) every day, those can add up really quickly. Here’s a few easy ways you can burn off the delicious seasonal drink!

  1. Walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevatorWalking up stairs for 15 minutes burns approxiamately 137 calories, but you don’t have to go to the gym specifically for the stair stepper. Next time you’re going to the top floor of the library, take the stairs! Take two at a time for bonus points!

  2. Bike the long wayIf you have time, take a few extra turns on your bike route on the way to class. You might run into an old friend, or see a part of campus you didn’t even know was there! And your body will thank you for it later.

  3. Sit on an exercise ballThis is one of my favorites. When you’re settling in for a long night of studying, sit on an exercise ball instead of a normal chair. It’ll force you to tighten your core and keep you moving so you can multitask; study while burning calories! 

Hannah Littlefield was Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Oklahoma State University for 2 semesters, and she had an amazing team backing her up. During her time as CC, she also wrote for CollegeFashionista and her personal style blog, fefifofhannah.com. She will always remember the wonderful and unique team members she had at HCOS, and will cherish every memory.