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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

From the outside, you don’t understand it. From the inside, you can never explain it.”

Going through rush is a stressful but rewarding experience for many college freshman, but many people don’t know what happens on the other side. People often do not see the  stress and hours and hours of hard work that goes into any recruiment a sucess. Each day is more stressful than the next, and trying to keep your cool can be tough! 



Day 1 and 2: Open House 

You’re excited to welcome the potential new members into your sisterhood! You get to know each woman interested in your sorority, and If you’re lucky, you’ll get a girl that actually wants to talk to you , and if not you both just kind of awkwardly stare at each other until it’s time to go.


Day 3 and 4: The House Tour

This is the day you get to act like you’re filming a episode on MTV Cribs (but not really). You walk around the house over and over again giving the same speech to every girl about your house, the different rooms, and their purpose. If you’re lucky, you get to sit down and watch a recruitment video, If not, you’re on your feet for every group that passes through, speaking constantly about how great your house is.


Day 5: Philanthropy

Your heart and soul is for your sorority and the causes that you all work with year round. If you’re lucky, you have girls interested in your philanthropy, because someone in their life has been effected by autism, breast cancer, or they have a cause close to their heart like the St. Jude Children’s Hospitals. This is also the day you get to brag about how many hours of volunteer service you have done throughout the year. #HumbleBrag

Day 6: Preference

There’s tears, heartache, love, and nerves. It’s the last day of recruitment, which means it’s your last chance to “sell” your sorority. After the ceremony, you get to tell your story about how your sisters have impacted your life, and all the amazing things that have happened to you because of your sisterhood. If you’re like me, you bawl your eyes out and snot all over the place, but if your potential new member knows your house is the house for her, than she’ll be crying too. 


Day 7: BID DAY!!

The best day of the year! You get to meet all of your new members, and welcome them home as they run (literally) into your arms. You get to watch your sisterhood grow, but also see the new members love for their new home as they are welcomed into the sisterhood. When you hug your new sister, you’ll never want to let them go! 



Congratulations to all the new members of the Oklahoma State Greek Community! Good luck this semester! HCXO

HerCampus OKState Vice President. A Fashion Merchandising major that considers herself a professional crafter and glitter enthusiast with a love for corgi's, queso, and iced Carmel Macchiato's. Alpha Xi Delta PC 2015. National American Miss Oklahoma 2016. The riegning Royal International Miss Oklahoma 2019.