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How to Deal with the Loss of a Loved One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

“Beauty exists not in what is seen and remembered, but in what is felt and never forgotten.”

 – Johnathan Jena

When our loved ones enter into their new life in heaven we need to remember that they are not gone forever but always by our sides.  The heartbreak of someone’s passing only can heal through time and support. I’ve been to an irregular number of funerals than your average twenty-year-old. Now-a-days it feels as though the funerals are every few years. Although there has been so much heartache my huge and beautiful family still stay so strong. Being there for each other and spending time together is key to dealing with loss of a loved one.  

One of the most efficient ways to be there for family is to get people’s minds off of the stress and sadness of the lost one. Get them to laugh or tell them the goofy stories from class or school. There are other ways that you can be there for your family like talking to them and listening. I’ve seen how effective listening can be. Just a simple acknowledgement goes a long way.

When my family and I lose someone close, the first thing we do is come together and comfort each other. It is crucial to be together because there is nothing more important than being with family. The company of really anyone can be the most comforting thing in such a tough time. Going out with your family is a great distraction especially if there is food and drinks involved. It could be anything, even just a walk and it will feel so refreshing.

Although there should not be anything great about a funeral but from personal experience it is being with family and celebrating the love of the lost one together. Remember that there is no cure for sadness because of the loss of a loved one except the comfort of family and time.

In honor of my Aunt Lou, Grandma & Grandpa O’Connor, cousin’s Janet Rose and Nicole, Grandma Deedee, and Uncle Norm. I love you all and know that every single one of you will always be looking over us. God Bless