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The First Month of College in 12 Ron Swanson GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Learning to adapt to the college lifestyle is not easy. As a freshman, I have had many feelings during my first month of college, and

have found that Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation really helps me to describe my feelings.

Some good, some not so good; Either way, he always knows how to relate to us college students. 



1.When you fail that online quiz for the 50th time in a row


2. When people told you that you couldn’t sleep all weekend after the first week of classes


3. When your parents come visit you for the first time and they take you out to eat 


4. When your early class is cancelled before you can get out of bed 


5. How you feel after walking back to your dorm after your last class 


6. When you’re almost asleep then you realize you have homework 


7. When all you have eaten for a week is Chick-fil-A and you try to eat something healthy 


8. When your professor says something like “The test will be a breeze” 


9. When there is a guy chewing gum really loudly while you are trying not to be annoyed


10. When every activity and /or class you go to has an icebreaker activity 


11. When you try to make small talk with new classmates but you have nothing to say


12. And when you finally realized that your decision to attend college was best idea ever


We all know college is going to be stressful, but the fun will definitely out weigh the stress!

Enjoy the next 8 months, and may this year be in your favor!