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books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


With the holiday season and finals coming up, I know that stress is a huge problem in college. Don’t worry, we can get through this together.

Make sure you are taking the time to have some fun and relax! I know we’ve all heard it before. It’s hard when you have mountains of homework, but you can’t study 24/7. Even if it’s just a few minutes, it will help.

When you feel like you are about to pull your hair out because you have two tests and an essay the next day, remember to take a small break so you don’t go crazy. Maybe listen to your favorite song or eat a snack. Keep yourself energized and happy or you won’t be at your best.

During a particularly hard week, keep in mind that your friends and/or family may be able to help, even if it’s just to distract you for a bit. Don’t go AWOL. Your family has known you the longest, so they probably know exactly what to do to help and your friends are most likely in the same boat as you, so you can be there for each other. These are the people that care about you the most, so let them take care of you every once in awhile.

If what you really need is some alone time, but you can’t study for another minute, watch one episode of something you like. It will give your brain time to calm down so you can continue when it’s over. Don’t binge watch in the middle of a study session though. You know yourself and how addicted to a show you are, don’t start anything you have to finish. Remember, this is just a break. You aren’t done yet.

If you love dogs, there are even dogs on campus for the sole purpose of de-stressing OSU students. You can find them on campus all the time (their specific schedule can be found on the Pete’s Pet Posse Facebook). They have small and large dogs who live to be pet. You can stop by to pet them between classes or after lunch. You can even collect their cards that the Ruff Riders (Pete’s Pet Posse volunteers).

Most importantly, remember you are going to be okay. You can do this. College is hard, but there are so many recourses to help you get through it. You’ve got this!