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Dead Week Told By “Greys Anatomy”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

The semester is almost over and dead week has arrived. 

Grey’s Anatomy will take you through what {trying} to surivive dead week is really like.


1. Trying to write 3 four paged papers, finish the winter premiere of “Greys Anatomy” and look socially accpetable to class 

2. Preparing yourself mentally after realizing the lowest grade you need to make in order to still pass the class

3. Listening to your friends talk about how wonderful dead week has been to them

4.Going to study groups and realizing all of you have learned nothing all semester

5.Restoring self confidence in yourself that you will make it through

6. Receiving all the sleep you have been deprieved of for so long


Dead week is a week full of stress that pushes you to a breaking point. You will survive it and look back and realize you are stronger than you thought! 

Live it up and enjoy winter break!