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Campus Celebrity: Josh White

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


Photo via Facebook 

Josh White is a sophomore here at Oklahoma State University.  Not only is he a student and involved in various things around campus, but he also has a passion for music.  He loves preforming and singing for people.  He first took an interest in music at age eleven.  He had severe anxiety as a kid so his parents thought perhaps music education would be good for him and turns out, it was!  Music completely changed who he was and in high school he decided he wanted to pursue artistry. 

Not long after this decision, he moved to Nashville.  In Nashville, he learned to condense what he felt into songs and music.  He learned a lot about himself and found what music truly meant to him.  He says “Music isn’t entertainment for a car rides, or something we listen to when we want to feel a certain way.  It is expression in one of its purest forms, and is every bit as much art as a painting on a wall.  There’s not a person alive who doesn’t like music and if they say they don’t, they just haven’t found it yet.” 

I asked him what his favorite type of music to preform was and he said he enjoys playing pop music.  He thinks there is something uniquely American about singing along to a pop sing as a teen, and he never really grew out of that phase.  His favorite thing about preforming is connecting with the audience.  “No matter how big or small the crowd is, you’re still connecting with them on a personal level.”  Some of his biggest inspirations in music are Katy Perry, Ozzy Ozbourne, John Mayer, and Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.