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Advice on Surviving Freshman Year, from a Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

With another stressful school year in the works, life may seem especially difficult for incoming freshmen. 

With the importance of time management and being responsible for themselves, our parents are not there to guide us, and we have to take intiative to our own lives now.

That may seem like an incapable task, but never fear because I have learned some ways that can make freshmen year feel a breeze.


1. Don’t overload yourself with class.

Most people think that doing over 12 hours may not be a lot, but trust me it’s more than what it looks like. Think about it like this, for every class you take you, set aside 3 hours to study, and by just doing 12 hours, you may have an additional 12 hours of study time. So, the more hours you take on the more additional time you have to set aside to study, and why stress yourself out your first year of college?


2. Study, Study, Study

Many of you might be used to being able to sit in class, and waiting for your teachers to handout test or quiz reviews. Well, let me just say that time is OVER. In college, professors expect you to know the material for the test, and most professors are not going to spend their time making a study guide. Set time aside to study, so when you get that pop quiz or that test, the material is not brand new to you.


3. Stray from early classes.

If you’re not a morning person, don’t enroll into a early class. From personal experience, I can say that having to wake up at the crack of dawn after staying up doing homework until 2 a.m. is terrible. It leaves you unenergized and regretting your choices, so don’t be that one person wishing they could drop that early class and just sleep in a little bit.


4. Buy a Bike!!

If you live on the edge of campus and the walking distance is over 5 minutes for you, then buy yourself a bike. It is one of the best things you can have, and makes life a lot easier. You get to class faster since everyone moves out of your way. Plus, by the end of the year your hamstrings will for sure be toned. ( Side Note: Some falling is subject to happen.lol)


5. Don’t eat the weight you don’t want to gain.

Freshmen 15 is real people, but it  can be avoided. Make time to workout at least three times a week. You will not only lose weight, but you will also not be sluggish throughout the day. Another good way to not gain unneccessary weight, is to buy the cheapest meal plan your campus offers.


6. Let high school go, and allow your college life to start.

Going to a new school that has over 15,000 people can be difficult to adjust to, but don’t worry there is at least one person that you will connect with. In order to find that person though, let high school drama go. Instead, be willing to get out and actually find activities, and other ways to occupy your time.


There are a million tips that could be given on how to survive your freshman year in college, but the only person that can make this year amazing is YOU. Be unique and be willing to be apart of something bigger than yourself, and next thing you know freshman year will be stress-free and you will be ready to take on sophomore year.