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9 Times Parks and Rec Got Periods Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Periods. Can’t live with em, but we definitely can’t live without em.

Here’s 9 times Parks and Rec got periods 100000% right.


1. The Cravings

We’ve all hit a period low when we shove our bodies with carbs like they’re water.  It’s common to crave every bad food you’ve ever seen, but it actually does more harm than good. Keeping your protein and fiber intakes up can actually help with insatiable cravings and other pains. When you’re feeling the munchies start to come on during your pre-week or the start of your cycle, stock up on almonds, berries, popcorn, and seeds! Keep snacking girl!


2. The Cramps

#BOOM. We’ve all gotten stuck in a situation where you have to keep going on with your day, and all of a sudden you feel like a train ran over your abdomen. Stock up on your Midol and peppermint tea ladies, it’s going to be a long few days. If you tend to actually not be functionable the entire cycle, you need to speak to your doctor. 


3. Moodiness (when you hate everything and everyone)

Let’s be honest, the number one tip off to being on your period is being a grade a B!TCH. Whether you snap at everything, or are more of a silent despiser of humanity, you know this feeling. Crying, anger, oversensitivity, anxiety, and sadness are all very common emotions during this time.  As awful as it sounds, light exercise, calcium supplements, and watching your caffeine intake can massively reduce your mood swings.


4. Fatigue

It happens to the best of us. The amount of pain, stress, and dip in your hormones tires your body out! Make sure to take care of yourself by getting the right amount of sleep and allowing yourself to rest, whether that be taking a hot bath, reading a good book, or simply eating well. 


5. When You’re Done With People

Even if you’re a social person, sometimes during your period you just can’t stand being around people. This is totally normal, and it’s healthy to take a breather! If you had a lot planned this week, maybe you need to pick and choose what to do! Scale it back for a few days, and give yourself the time you need to function to the best of your ability.


6. When Nothing Is Going Your Way

You’re going to have those days when literally nothing you do is working out. Whether it’s school, work, your love life, or even trying to make ramen in the coffee pot, it’s okay to just take a step back, and accept that everything sucks. Be like Andy, admit that today is awful, and let it go. Tomorrow will be better. Or next week. When you’re not on your period. Because periods SUCK.


7. The Unmentionable

It’s true. Periods make you poop a lot. This is because when you’re menstrating your progesterone, aka the hormone that controls how much you poop, is at an all time high. Progesterone helps your uterine muscles push out the thickened lining, which also causes your bowels to squeeze, leaving you with a less than desirable bathroom situation. No shame, ladies. Just science. 


8. When You Think It’s Over … But It’s NOT

Has this ever happened to you? No? You’ve never noticed a lack of flow, done a happy dance, put your femine hygiene away, busted out the sexy panties, and then…BAM: goodbye sexy underwear, your time has not yet come.  Keep going, you got this! You’re sooooo close!


9.  When It’s Actually Over

I don’t know about you, but by the time my period is over I’m almost in shock. By the end of the week, it seems like I’ve almost forgotten what life without packing a tampon in my purse is like. It’s always a nice reminder to cherish the next three weeks, before it happens all over again. 


Thank God for Parks and Rec keeping us sane through these ridiculous ups and downs. Stay safe ladies!


I like coffee, crochet, and stories. Feminism is my theme song, and Parks and Rec is my show of the year. Never stop laughing.