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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.
After attending the ten o’clock (wish it could’ve been a midnight) premiere of Ron Howard’s film Rush just a couple weeks ago, it is safe to say the images and adrenaline is still very much present. The film follows the real-life rivalry between two Formula one racers: Brit James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Austrian Niki Lauda (Daniel Brühl). Leading up to the 1976 world championship in Germany, viewers are taken to Brazil, Monaco, and Japan where death machines zoom around exotic tracks, with viewers just waiting for a horrific accident to occur. 
It isn’t all cars and sex, although Chris Hemsworth (Thor) is a god. With a scene exposing his bare beautiful behind and his alluring charm throughout, the film exudes excitement in more ways than one. Perhaps I’m a little biased, but this film is a true must-see. Given an 8.3/10 by IMDb and a solid B rating from Entertainment Weekly, I see that critics mostly agree. 
Even if you’re not into racing, the constant heart pounding and anticipation of what is to come will force you into seeing the finish (you think I would spoil this for you?). The film incorporates shots and photos of the real-life Hunt and Lauda, something you don’t see very often. It stays very true to its unique story, and I urge you to go check it out!
Like, come on. You beautiful, beautiful man.
Emily is a junior and HCOU's campus correspondent and editor in chief! Check her out on Twitter, @edafffffron (five f's).
Junior Journalism major and Junior editor at Ohio University.