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14 Signs You Go to OU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

1. Family members ask where you go to school and they just look at you like:

Because they think all you do is

2. You see a friend at the top of Jeff hill and you’re like

3. You hear there’s an armed fugitive on campus so automatically everyone goes


4. It’s Wednesday night and your roommate wants to go to liquor pitchers, but you have a paper to write so all of a sudden you start typing like there’s no tomorrow.


5. Construction makes you re-route your walk everyday.


6. If you live on South or East Greens, West Green seems like a different world.


7. HallOUween is here, so everyone dresses up:

Two months later, it’s time for Santa Fest and Court Street turns into something like this:

Spring semester = fest season.


8. You call dad to see if he’s coming for Dads Weekend, he says he can’t wait, so you imagine him driving to Athens like

and then mom says she can’t wait for Moms Weekend

9. You live on the most haunted campus in the U.S.


10.The library is never below 100 degrees.


11. Hippie Sightings happen on the daily.


12. Homecoming is a fest of it’s own.


13. You never hear of someone wanting to leave Athens.

14,You meet another Bobcat anywhere around the world and you automatically have a new best friend.

Meredith is a junior at Ohio University and Campus Coorespondent for Her Campus Ohio U. She is majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Marketing. Her hobbies include dreaming about traveling, drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee, and driving her pink car. You can follow her on Twitter (@Mere_Broadwater) and Instagram (@meredithbroad).