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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

While there are some people in this world that love to spend time and money on makeup, there are also people like me who wake up with just enough time to get the basics down. Not everyone likes to wear makeup, and that’s OK. Here are some ways that you can look stylish without putting a lot of time and money into the way you look.

Source: Giphy

Get a low-maintenance haircut.

Source: Giphy

The best low-maintenance haircut will highly depend on your hair texture and face shape, so ask a professional! Whether you have a friend who is a cosmetologist or you hit the salon, they should be able to help you find something that is easy to maintain and looks good daily.

Style it wet.

Source: Giphy

After you get out of the shower, scrunch your hair with a little sea salt spray and mousse for a mermaid hair look. If you don’t have straight or wavy hair, coconut water and curl cream are the ways to go. OGX sells all of these things at most drugstores.

The cleaner, the better.

Source: Giphy

Source: Giphy

Having great hygiene and a regular skincare regimen will work wonders for your hair, your skin, and the way that people see you overall. Obviously.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Source: Giphy

Water is also a great thing for the health of your skin and reaps many benefits like less acne and more moisturized skin. One tip to make sure that you are drinking enough water is to always have water with you. I carry a reusable water bottle with me at all times.

Mascara is magical.

Source: Giphy

I think that mascara has voodoo powers because even when used without other eye makeup it is still noticeable and can still make your eyes pop. I wear glasses and am still satisfied with the difference it makes. (Pro tip: if you sign up for the rewards program at Ulta, they give you a free tube of mascara on your birthday)

Add your own flair to your look.

Source: Giphy

If makeup isn’t your thing, you can put lots of rings on your fingers, wear eccentric styles, keep it casual by pairing a graphic tee with some jeans, anything! Go wild!

The way that you look is totally up to you, and you should like what you see. Who cares if you can’t put on lipstick like Kylie Jenner? You rock what you’ve got and have fun doing it.

Source: Giphy

Happy styling!

My name is Danielle (Danni for short), and I am a transfer student here at ODU! Before I came here I wrote for Her Campus at CNU, and I was studying Computer Engineering of all things! I'm majoring in Graphic Design now, and minoring in Spanish. I also work as a delivery driver at Domino's. Besides writing I also enjoy photography, cooking, and dyeing my hair dark red!