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Flashnotes: Studying Pays (in the Financial Way)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.


  Have you ever looked down at the notes you’ve just taken and thought, “Wow…someone should pay me for these?”  Do you have perfectly color-coded flashcards, post-its, and highlighters of every kind that would make your old SAT tutor cry?  Well you, sir or madam, should take a good look at Flashnotes. 

  Flashnotes.com is a brilliantly-designed website where students can easily make $1000 in the next month simply by studying.  Sound like a scam?  Trust us: it’s not.  The site is a sutdent-to-student marketplace where you and your friends can sell and-or buy any of those grade-boosting materials– notes, flashcards, video tutorials– in a safe and easy manner.  The CEO, Mike Matousek, was recently a student himself, which is even more of an incentive for you to click on the above link (or this one). 

  So go ahead: be one of the many students making over $31 per hour for selling their notes.  You’ll be glad you did. 

Along with hummus, coffee, and Jon Hamm, Claudia's interests also include writing. She wishes to pursue a career in the editorial world and has experienced several previous editorial internships. She is currently studying Media, Culture and Communications at N.Y.U. along with an Italian minor.