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5 Ways to Beat Winter Weight Gain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

Everybody buckle up because winter and all its splendors are rapidly approaching! Who doesn’t enjoy being smushed between thousands of people watching tree lighting on Rockefeller Plaza, paying $4.99 for a fresh baked gingerbread cookie and trudging twenty city blocks through subzero temperatures while you forgot both your scarf and gloves? That’s right! No one! Is there anything more magical than a New York winter? I think not!     However, with all the absolutely wonderful things that come with these winter months, sometimes a few extra pounds might end up on the list (accidentally…uninvited). But, no fear, readers, because you can combat the extra winter flub with a few simple tricks!


1. Put a little pep in your step

Walking is a fantastic way to clear the head, burn some calories, and drive away frostbite! Every opportunity to revel in the glow of the city streets and its inhabitants should be taken! So forget the subway and don’t even think about flagging down an uber to your next destination, because sliding out from the warmth of your fleecy blankets a little earlier might just be exactly what you need!

2. Take it easy on the treats

Of course the dreariest months come with the best desserts. Holiday cookies, hot chocolate, candy…it’s all available. Painfully available. So do yourself a favor and practice some moderation! Sometimes two cookies are better than ten. Remember healthy eating and exercise are essential if you want to survive to see sixty degree weather again!  

3. Exercise

This is a simple, but an oftentimes painful and dreadful process. Find a gym buddy and take advantage of the beautiful facilities. Make a reasonable and regimented schedule, and get ready to release those endorphins! Remember, emerging from the cave of your dorm room is oftentimes a lot harder than the actual workout! 

4. Moderation is key

Sometimes, in the winter, we get a little lazy…it happens to the best of us. We may not want to walk thirty blocks to go out and often resort to hosting the night of ~shenanigans~ right where you are. These instant parties involve a lot of alcohol, sitting around, and oftentimes lots of snacks. Unfortunately, we may get into the nasty habit and not even realize the calories we take in, as well as the energy we don’t exert. So, readers, best advice is practice some moderation in the party department! It all adds up rather quickly!

5. Take advantage of your smartphones

Oftentimes, smartphones come with nifty little tools and apps than can monitor the number of steps you take, the length of your exercise, and the amount of calories you consume! Become a member of the twenty-first century and give it a go!! I recommend Calorie Counter and Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal! Taking control of your health in a way that’s convenient and accessible is a fantastic way to rid those winter blues! 

There you have it, ladies; enjoy these last lovely weeks of fall and prepare for a swift change in seasons! You can do it!


Keep your eyes peeled for the new film Top Five starring Chris Rock  in theaters December 12th.


Along with hummus, coffee, and Jon Hamm, Claudia's interests also include writing. She wishes to pursue a career in the editorial world and has experienced several previous editorial internships. She is currently studying Media, Culture and Communications at N.Y.U. along with an Italian minor.